Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Congestive Mind Failure


IAMWHOAM1959 © 2009


I saw massive bailouts and presidential speeches
But little love for those
On park benches and sleeping behind bleachers
A far different world from Kennebunkport and sunny Hawaiian beaches
Or the pseudo gospel world of Pastor Rick Warren, and other mega wealthy - mega preachers
I see disposal people
Still find it hard to complete
With mismanagement in Detroit
And bankers on Wall Street
So complete
Is the American hypocrisy
A man of color in the White House
So now – now - we triumph democracy
But for eight years we failed to peep game
As it she became a theocracy
Now elected pawns slang money to their patrons
Like school age children playing monopoly

We reward malfeasance, incompetence and greed
As if it was scripture
Don’t look now but the rich done got richer


Change has come!
But not the big picture
With friends in high places
You can still hitch a
Ride on Chairman Bernanke’s rescue route
Leaving some of us to doubt
That despite the best of intentions
Those on Side Street
Won’t even get mentioned
In the same breath as middle class tax cuts and stimulus packages
Making sure we save the irresponsible from their own rapture
Let Freddie and Fannie fail
Oh my goodness what a disaster
But where’s the same love for ghetto kids choking from lead enriched plaster


Inner city blues
And black blood still splatters -
More fodder for late night news and talking heads chatter
Keith Olberman blusters and Bill O'Reilly blathers
And in the network corporate offices
You can hear the laughter

We pay more attention to President Obama's so called swagger
And allow other’s opinions to master
Our own minds,
As they define our priorities
We become like chief surgeons taking orders from orderlies
Whatever ever happened to free your mind?
And independent thought?
Our ancestors fought
Not just for physical liberation
But now the plantation
Is the television, cell phone and the internet
And from sunrise to sunset
We put our own genius in check
So much so that we tend to forget
That we incarnated for spiritual evolution
Our path to revolution
Is diminished by our own delusion
Exacerbated by reality shows and spin doctors spinning confusion
Will our love for American idol be our undoing?
America’s last epitaph

She died while viewing
Desperate Housewives re-runs for 365 consecutive days


A nation no longer capable of days of rage
As we sleep on the hidden agenda behind the information age
Which continues to put our minds in a cage
Allowing us to behave
In a dangerously predictable manner
We’ve become the nail, and mass media is the hammer
If asked for our own opinion we could only stammer

“I heard it said on Michael Baisden show”


We have become low hanging fruit
For those with manipulative intentions
Drill baby drill! - at the GOP convention
40 million Americans tricked in a single instance
Our miseducated love for the matrix
Equates to a death sentence
Which reminds me of what Lauryn Hill once said
There are only two kinds of people
Victimizers and victims

We worship a man who they say rose from the dead
But apparently we ignored the part of the story that said
For forty days and forty nights
He fled from the distraction and noise of the world
As he unfurled his own flag of divinity
So let’s be real clear
Those who seek to destroy
Have both the means and proclivity
Drunken by hubris
Displaying only the pretense of humility


That shit raised both the heat and the humidity
To such a degree we now accept as gospel -
What our ancestors would have dismissed as stupidity
Which begs the question
Will an unrepentant nation pay the ultimate price for ignoring history?
Only to find out that the laws of karma
Are much more than an ancient Hindu mystery

Tic toc - tic toc - tic toc

The unforgiving sound of the doomsday clock that pushes on with impunity
So as we ride the tail of a paper tiger overconfident in its own durability
Can we log off long enough recognize our own vulnerability?
And during commercial breaks take the time to pull back the veil
And observe the insecurities of those
Whose poisonous securities
Infected the well being of this and other nations

It reminded me of 80’s with the onset of AIDS
We looked the other way when it was just the druggies gays, and Haitians
But when the demographic of HIV patients
Started to resemble the larger population
A suddenly compassionate Administration
Fast tracked efforts to find a cure, relief, and inoculation


Same story different station
But our addictions to Madden 2009
Make us susceptible
To even the most suspect of explanations
In short
Any nation
Lacking the ability to think with a critical mind
Is running on empty
on fumes and on borrowed time
The greatest crime
Is not found on Law and Order or Cops
But on our inability to stop
And be silent

We hop from one distraction to another
The impact on this generation?
Dayam I can only shutter
As a punch drunk nation stumbles and stutters
But when you ask what’s really going on?
All we can do is put down the remote and utter

I see massive bailouts and presidential speeches
And hella love for those
On park benches and sleeping behind bleachers
I believe Change has finally come
And by all means
Support the gospel world of Pastor Rick Warren, and other needy preachers
Look now! Can’t you see? Disposal people
Are now able to complete
With the fine management in Detroit
And honorable bankers on Wall Street
I see
We have finally put the rest
That American birth defect of racism and hypocrisy
A man of color in the White House
So now- now let’s triumph democracy!