This is a personal observation that I am sharing with many friends and family. I am standing at the threshold of a new, and exciting journey, a journey encrypted with instructions that begun in the ethereal world, made mortal on June 20th 1959, molded by the journey of life with is challenges, and experiences. As I write and as you read, at this present moment we are some of our individual choices, our physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional lives as they are presently constituted reflect our choices. Our choices either bring us closer or further from our spiritual instructions. As I reflect on the past 44 years of this incarnation, I come away with one overwhelming dose of reality.
The universe has ears.
As brilliant as I my think I am, as wise, and resourceful, I believe my self to be, my human and spiritual ness, an extremely small, minute piece of the vastness that is the universe. The universe that represents every manifestation that has every emanated from the creator, and every manifestation that ever will. The universe represents both present, future, and past as one moment in time. It is that universe that hears our thoughts, our words. The universe hears and accepts as read your thoughts and words and interprets them as your true intentions, and the universe responds accordingly. The deep reservoir of the subconscious is the well from which our thoughts, and fears, wishes and dreams stem. What are we telling the universe? Because the universe is so vast, so big, and all knowing, it will find a way to make your thoughts, fears, dreams and wishes come true. The conscious manifestation of your subconscious fears, dreams via the spoken word, gives more validation to your subconscious, your actions and deeds provide even more validation as the universe sees as well as hears.
“Spiritual abortion”
We often hear the term “letting things happen organically” which to many, means to allowing events to unfold naturally without interference. We plant the seed in our minds, for positive things to happen, we dream of happiness, success, love. Do we allow those seeds to root, and sprout organically or do we abort the process? The universe hears and sees our intentions, and will respond. Do we wait for the organic manifestation or do we manipulate the process. And what happens when we abort the process, do we change the reality? Does the all hearing and seeing universe respond to new data, new request that stem from our hearts and minds, and made real by our words and deeds? The term I like for spiritual abortion is self sabotage.
Matthew 14:25-33
During the fourth watch of the night Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear. But Jesus immediately said to them: "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid." "Lord, if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come," he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, "Lord, save me!" Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. "You of little faith," he said, "why did you doubt?"
Our undoing springs from our deepest fears, doubts. It is those fears and doubts that provide the basis for spiritual abortion and self sabotage. Like Peter in Matthew’s gospel for that one moment in time he latched onto the same divine power that elevated Jesus, yet, it was fleeting, his doubts reclaimed power, and he begun to sink. Peter believed and his walk on water was the organic process unfolding but the power of his fears and doubts became apparent to the all hearing and seeing universe, and he begun to drown. Where in our lives have we walked on water only to have our own fears and doubts drown us?
The character Sisyphus of Greek mythology was punished by the gods, by being forced to push a huge border up a hill, only to have the bolder slip away and fall back down as he approached the top. This sad character was forced to eternally endure this torture. Often as we get close to victory, we begin to let victory slip away, in the same manner, perhaps we are sending messages to the universe, we don’t deserve victory, perhaps we are hearing external voices telling us that we will change, we will become too big, too famous, too proud, and we internalize those voices until they become ours. Yet we continue to prod, getting ever closer, and then fall. Where in our lives do we inch closer to our dreams only to have reoccurring negative patterns negate our good work forcing us to start over, and over, and over?
The word become flesh
Our connection to the creator is not merely a spiritual one, but it is real, and physical. Imagine if you took a limp balloon, blew your breath in it and let it fly. If that balloon flies to the ends of the earth it flies animated by your breath. Thus your connection to that balloon is a physical connection, and that balloon is connected to you. The same can be said for each of us, we are the word become flesh. We are connected physically to the creator, which makes us linked to the divine. While it doesn’t mean our every action will be divine, whole, or loving, it does mean we have power. Our power is our willingness to accept our divine nature, and accept that the universe all hearing, and all loving, is much far greater than us. And through that innate divinity, great things can happen for us.
As above so below
“Coincidence is God’s way of being anonymous” – Author unknown
Our power comes from allowing our dreams, and our thoughts, that stem from our subconscious to send positive signals to the universe, that our spoken words and deeds that reflect a harmonious balance with our thoughts and dreams reflect a positive loving subconscious. The universe has ears, and eyes, and it is a creative force that will create in ways that are far outside our comprehension to manifest what you want. It will bring about events, people, so-called “coincidences” to make your dreams, and wishes come true. Let the universe hear joy, peace, harmony, love, and it will manifest accordingly. Let your words and deeds be one of peace, harmony, and love and the universe will respond. Let the universe hear of healing, transcendence, and it will respond accordingly. I truly believe that the universe has the power, to heal totally and completely if we believe. Now do you believe?
Peace and Love
Friday, July 24, 2009
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