In light of this unthinkable tragedy
Choose your words very carefully
More Escalation will regrettably cause more to die needlessly,
Endlessly, from sea to shining see
How things come in threes
Once again I urge you Black man to pay attention please
For in our blackness we hold the key
But, often in our blindness we fail to see
That it is my country tis of thee that’s the true and living enemy
So forgive me
But my memory reminds me
That it is my ancestors that hung in trees and, and its my motherland now dying out, infested with man made disease, death from a single sneeze
And for 500 years a great nation of blackness was made to grieve
Like Spike said, Wake up and see what’s up their sleeve
And then say America fuck you!
See your lies we no longer believe, you were warned but didn’t heed
So now 3000 souls became
One with the breeze
I don’t know about you but for me
This is one more astrological reminder
That America’s best days are behind her
And it wont be gentler nor kinder
We are in a different age
The Piscean energy of surrender is over and we’ve turned the page,
Feel the shock waves
Welcome to the Aquarian Age,
Now face the reality that the world is no longer your stage
America prepare yourself, those that you have stepped on are now armed and ready to engage, broken free from their cage
America are you really ready for a thousand days of rage?
you’ve raised the bar,
Now hear the screams of a million black scars
black blood feathers and tar
now feel the bite of the dogs of war,
my question to you,
how does it feel to bow down to the crescent and the star
And with Gemini rising in the east
America, this two faced pathological beast is at the very least
Been known to feast
Ritualistically at the alter of blood
After all it was the sins of their fathers that brought on the last flood,
But, this time rain came in the form of three jet planes
Yet throughout the pain
Like ancient pharaoh you remain
The same,
Arrogant, with no shame, passing the blame, manipulating events in hopes of financial gain,
Or is it ignorance and vain that an illegitimate government continues to send out spin-doctors and news anchors, hoping to regain a fallen nation’s fleeting fame,
Like it or not, you will heal as
the karmic winds of the universal will
Force you to bend, and force you to kneel
A harsh reminder of how it feels
I hope we didn’t run back too fast to the football and baseball fields
9-1-1 was not the whole due bill
Surely you are not foolish enough to think its over
Have you forgotten all that you’ve killed,
with great precision and skill you took out great minds like Malcolm and Martin
hoping that their message would be suddenly stilled
What about those young soldiers dismembered on Southeast Asian hill,
And don’t look now but our schools have become killing fields
Your pockets continue to get filled, president elected by virtue of back room deals
This is on your watch, oh now it seems so surreal
But see you for you it was never real, you had eyes on 2004 a 2nd term you planned 2 steal,
now on the heals of this new information, I ask who benefits in a sudden rise in global inflation?
Mr. President
Before your next proclamation
More lies to a sick and dying nation
As your administration
Seeks to rebuild your reputation
I urge you to
Reopen the book of revelation
And witness the devastation
This time factor in that karmic equation,
If not, expect total desolation, worldwide conflagration, white flags will be raising,
A lot of us will be chillin and blazin, and when it’s all said and done,
it will be Allah you’ll be praising.