Sunday, January 25, 2009

Things I plan to say on March 21, 2009

1) Happy New Year
2) It feels good to be back at 135 pounds - I did not get back to 135, but I lost 2 inches!!!!
3) I was able to discard 5 shirts and purchase 7 more ( I discarded 2 shirts, no new purchases - moved to June 20th goals.
4) I was able to purchase 3 nice new sweaters. ( no new sweaters, but I did purchase new tennis shoes and discarded the old ones.
5) I started thinking about this tattoo in January. ( See me on April 4th)
6) I felt good not to be on MSNBC, or the chat rooms.(It was real good to unplug)
7) Another colonoscopy, and another clean bill of colon health.( moved to June 20th deadline - add Prostate clean bill of health 2!)
8) That teeth cleaning was nothing nice! ( move to June 20th)
9) I am on track with my "settling accounts" goals (moving fwd...will accelerate after May 1)

In addition
On March 21 i am able to say:
1) I am moving fwd on the trailer for Misdirection
2) My Muse returned and blessed me with a jewel Congestive Mind Failure
3) I established a wonderful new friendship.

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