Monday, January 19, 2009

Transparency I can believe in

Below is a letter I sent to Sen McCaskill, as well as other Congressional Leaders. It is my hope that others will join me in encouraging both Congress and the White House to act on their desire to restore transparency to Government. Billions of taxpayer dollars are a state on infrastructure spending. According to supporters of this package, these jobs will stimulate the economy by both saving existing jobs and through job creation. I believe that as taxpayers we deserve to know who gets these jobs and what their credentials/qualifications are. If you are willing to join me in my "crusade" please copy and paste this letter and fwd to you local congressional leaders as well as the House and Senate Leadership. Their contact links are below.

TO: Senator Claire McCaskill

Cc: House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senator Harry Reid, Senator Mitch McConnell, Congressman William Lacy Clay, Congressman John Boehner

RE: Economic Stimulus Package Transparency Act of 2009

The restoration of transparency was a core component of the Obama change message. It is my hope that transparency becomes a core element of the stimulus package. Specifically I would like a website that will allow taxpayers to see the names, qualifications, budget, number of jobs (both new and existing), and record of minority hiring, and minority subcontracting. In addition that website should provide information on how that company was selected, so that taxpayers will have an idea on how companies competing for “infrastructure” bids won the bid. It is my hope that the leadership in Congress as well as in the White House work together to include this important aspect in the upcoming legislation.

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