Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Inverted Maslow

Inverted Maslow, dayam what a concept. Well, let me clarify. Maslow hasn’t been inverted, but what has is the vibrational energy in which we honor these primal, and emotional driven needs. What brought about this epiphany is a thought I had while driving home. This guy parked his SUV in front of my home, and was chatting this sista up, when I left for the grocery store. I was like, well who is she, and why in the hell doesn’t he park in front of her house. When I drove back they were still there posted up. I “mean mugged” them as I drove in the driveway to the parking area in the rear. Then I thought, WTF? I don’t own that space of land, they are not threatening me, I am not embarrassed, disrespected, or - then I went back to “they are not threatening me”. I then realized, what being “threatened” meant or so I thought…then I said how does Webster define it?

“Having an uncertain chance of continued survival a threatened species; specifically: likely to become an endangered species”

Huh? And since survival is the threshold which defends the state of being threatened, it represents a hella high threshold. So back to my scenario, to have gone back out front and beefed with a some dude (bigger than you) on Full Moon was insane. In short, it represented a dangerously low threshold for being threatened. Which begged the question how and when did that happen? When did we as a people decide that there was real value in lower vibrational responses to basic human needs? What was the tipping point? There had to be a moment in time, and I am certain anthropologist, socialist and historians, if given that parameter, could give us that moment. That moment where those who valued lower vibrational emotional response became dominant. But for me, without historical data, I am left to a gut feeling, so I am going with 2000 years ago or so. At that time, the seminal beats of modern religion Christianity, Judaism and Islam were reverberating in the fruit of the Fertile Crescent - Northern Africa and the Mediterranean. Each of those spiritual paths represented a critical turning point in man’s spiritual evolution. The ascension of the external God and the marginalization and in come cases the criminalization of the internal god. From that moment, on millions were fed by a powerful, vengeful, warlike, war making god, who had ultimate control over the destiny of men, and that was the sole creative force in the universe. Those God’s all spoke to a prophet, who could was uniquely qualified or “called” to hear him. Two points real quick – the existence of a uniquely qualified spokesperson, carried with it a presupposition that only that prophet could speak for god, and any that comes after them would be deemed worthy or unworthy based on their supplication and fidelity to that prophet, and secondly that prophet created a living spiritual body to represent him on earth, and fidelity to that body, represented fidelity to the prophet and vicariously to that God. The third part is this – all the Gods, and their prophets, their acolytes and syphocants were men. The theology formed in those critical years of human evolution, therefore can be defined in two ways, the degradation of the feminine principal, and the marginalization of the internal divinity. In astrology the three main features of human personality reside in the location of the Sun, the moon and the sign at the cusp of the first house aka the “Rising Sign”. Using the context of what was cut out of human evolution was the Moon energy and the Sun, leaving the superficial and less spiritual rising sign energy to rule. In simpler terms, humans thrived when all three energies were fully functioning. The worship of the Sun was present in all ancient cultures, and in doing so, activated their own divine spirit. The creations of the pyramids, longevity and outer worldly contributions of the Nubian, Mayan, empires for example are testaments to the holistic spiritual forces in play. In many ancient cultures the equality of women was reflected in shrines for Isis, and Sophia to Diana and Venus. To me true genius is the merger of both hemispheres of the brain, fully functioning, and allowing the spirit to express itself in a variety of ways. But more importantly understanding that there is a higher power, but also viewing one as a co-creator, fully embracing the spiritual component of this human journey empowers and offers the greatest chance for human greatness to shine. Embracing the feminine energy engages our empathetic, nurturing, protective, and intuitive side. True genius is what allows Mozart to tap in to his creative forces, or Nureyev to dance, and Langston Hughes to write, it allows Ella to be Ella, and Marion Anderson to inspire.

Back to Maslow, and his “needs”. Those needs are fundamental to our existence on this human plane. From the most primal human needs to self actualization we all have them. What has happened is that humans stripped of valuing our feminine energy, and disconnected from power as co-creator, lowered our threshold for security therefore we remain in a permanent cycle of paranoia, and hyper sensitivity. We now define love and self worth through the prism of society’s mores, and values. Lacking our personal power, we become easy pickings for the blandishments of marketers, and spin doctors. Finally our self esteem is not derived internally, but through the POV of others thereby robbing us with the capacity to truly self love ourselves. As I mentioned earlier in Astrology the rising sign is the mask we show to the world. Visualize those old Shakespeare plays where the actor or actress held a mask in front of their face to reflect what they wanted you to see. That’s who we have become. We have fully developed our mask, our brand. Our rising sign/mask is a spiritual tool, it is the prism that we chose in the spirit to see the world and for the world to see us. Yet, to truly evolve, we must engage our inner feminine, and reconnect with our birthright as co-creators. Failing that, Maslow’s needs will continue to be expressed in a manner that is both anti life, and anti evolution.

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